About Us
Hamilton Community Church Vision and Mission 2022-2027
Vision for 2027:
Hamilton Community Church is a warm inviting church that assimilates people quickly into their family through fellowship, attractive services, mission opportunities, inviting atmosphere, life groups, and youth-minded focus.
Mission Statement:
Hamilton Community Church exists to connect the disconnected to Jesus through loving, serving, and being a grace-filled church family.
Statements of Intent
Hamilton Community Church feels like home. We have a strong family atmosphere where folks experience warmth and belonging. Our family prays, worships, and gathers together regularly. Kids and youth of all ages are regularly seen throughout the building as well as in the services.
The leadership at HCC is united in heart to one another. We build each other up with encouraging words and thoughtful actions. We seek to carry out the Lord’s mission for HCC together with the active membership as a family team.
Koinonia, which means “fellowship”, is the flagship program at HCC. We meet every week over food within classrooms at the church for fellowship, spiritual growth, Biblical knowledge, fun, and education. It is where our guests move from visitors to family. This is a launchpad for our thriving life groups that meet regularly together outside of church hours to do life together in a God-centered way.
HCC has a large number of volunteers from all parts of the church. At least 50% of our regular attendees are active in some part of the church work. HCC is constantly offering visitors and members opportunities to use their spiritual gifts to glorify their creator. We make a point of regularly inviting everyone to become active in maintenance and mission. (Maintenance is the running of the church for inreach. Mission is the outreach and evangelism of the church.)
Hamilton Community has numerous evangelism programs running throughout the year. There is a part-time Bible worker who runs a Bible school where members are regularly being trained and equipped to deliver and give Bible studies to interests from our community. We have an evangelistic reaping series every spring where we invite the community to come hear the heartbeat of the gospel through the SDA lens. We have a revival series every fall where we call on each other to recalibrate and recommit ourselves to God and His calling in our lives. We have 2-3 yearly nights of worship at the church.
HCC continues to be a safe place for folks to heal in a non-condemning atmosphere from the scars that people experience from the world and sometimes from churches. We provide healing through our warm, open atmosphere. Our leadership is very grace filled and demonstrates kindness and love that is Christlike and attractive.
HCC enjoys sharing the gifts they have been blessed with. Numerous members are involved in the outreach opportunities that we provide, including a weekly Tuesday night community fellowship meal, ESL classes at Koinonia, and partnerships with the Samaritan Center and Sleep in Heavenly Peace.
Hamilton Community has a safe, functional building that is free of leaks. The tornado damage has been entirely repaired. We have replaced carpet in the foyer and hallways. The humidity is normal. A regular list of capital improvements is worked on each year. There are plans to build a fellowship hall addition, and fundraising has already begun.
Hamilton Community has multiple Social Events throughout the year. We love being together and having a lot of fun.
Hamilton Community is debt free! We always meet our budget needs and are able to fund all three tiers of our budget through member giving. We have grown in tithe to over $700k per year which has allowed us to add a third pastor.